Friday, May 16, 2014

W o r s h i p

The last time I posted here was in 2011. Wow, how things have changed since then. The Lord is SO GOOD. I want to share a few things that have been on my heart lately and need to put them into words. Hopefully they speak to you in the way that the Lord has allowed them to speak to me. Recently I have gotten more revelation about what worship is, what it means and how it effects our lives. It's not just music, it's not just singing, it's not just raising our hands, clapping our hands or dancing. These are all actions that occur from our response to WORSHIP. Worship is reverence. It's a condition of the heart that is so filled with joy that we can't contain it! Worship is surrender. His presence is everything we need. Worship is beautiful. Just think of how His presence surrounds you while you worship Him. I'm enamored by His goodness & His love. It's overwhelming how great and powerful He is. I don't ever want to get to the point that I worship in order to gain something. Maybe that sounds a bit confusing, so I'll explain. In so many Christian songs these days people are stating that they are waiting on the Lord. Are they saying that He is not going to show up or that He's hesitant on manifesting His presence there? The Holy Spirit is OMNIPRESENT, meaning He is in all places at all times. Why wouldn't He be in His own sanctuary? We have to be in a mindset that WELCOMES His presence, not begging for it as if He is not with us already. It may be bold to state it but there's deception there, where deception cannot be welcomed! If the Holy Ghost is living within you, HE GOES WHEREVER YOU GO! HE ENTERS INTO WHEREVER YOU ENTER INTO! We worship to GLORIFY! We worship to PRAISE! We worship to give God the glory for all He has done for us! We also worship to GET RID of the pain, stress, defeat, and hurt that everyday struggles can bring.Maybe it's a condition of the heart that is "waiting" for His presence. Maybe our hearts aren't quite ready for what He has and we have to allow Him to work in us before freely surrendering. We have to be available, we have to be ready for what He has. We have to understand that in Him all things are made clear- even those we don't understand. And yet, we are overcomers, we are strong in His presence. Drink it up. We have access into the Throne Room. He's torn the veil, we are welcome into His sanctuary of praise, ALWAYS. He never turns away. He never walks away. It's us that turn around, we are the ones that walk away. Brake the strongholds and run into His presence with open arms. Oh Father, if I can just sit, worship and BE with you in Your presence. It's a burning fire in my heart. I'm overcome with how gracious You are. You are all we need. Your love is like no other, NOTHING else satisfies. In you there is peace. There is rest for the weary. There is restoration for the defeated. There is new passion for those who are burnt out. God I ask that people will be hungry for you. That we will stand strong in times of struggle because in You there is perfect peace and guidance. We are Your church. We are Your sons and daughters. We gather here to meet with You.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

what he is to me.

everyone's wish in life is to be loved, cherished and cared for by someone whom you wish to show the same qualities to. ever since i was a little girl i've dreamed of this man. growing up, i've thought i had found him many times before but it's now that i can honestly say i am with the man who makes all of my dreams come true. he goes far beyond any dream i could ever imagine and is a gift from the Lord. i cannot imagine my days without his sweet heart & smile.

the Lord set this up a long time ago and friendships, relationships, neighborhoods, church services and holidays. really, about 15 years ago.

corey childs is the perfect man for me. he laughs with me, cries with me, prays with me, worships with me.. he cares for me, treats me like his princess and never, ever fails to tell me that he loves me. ((about 45 times a day)).

he has qualities that i mesh with completely. we are so alike in our thoughts and reactions that it's almost scary. when i point out something that he may be doing wrong, he quickly lets me know that i am doing just the same thing as he is. that's what i love, his honesty. he is so honest, almost brutally honest sometimes- but that's what i ask for. it means the world to me to know that i can always depend on honesty from him.

Corey is firm in what he stands upon. he knows what is right & does everything in his power and in the Lord's power to build his life upon what is right.. such as the word of God, Godly morals, trustworthiness, honesty and integrity.

Corey never, ever strives to be just like everybody else. there is a quirkiness to him that i can't begin to explain. he always has someone laughing or saying "corey, where did that come from?" he doesn't want to fit in with the crowd. he wants to be different. he's hilarious, encouraging and knows how to handle every tough/awkward/weird/interesting situation.

Corey never settles or allows things that he does not like to continue in his life. he is always striving to become better; to become more Godly and strong in His word. this quality is so influential to me.. i find myself getting comfortable a lot but Corey always gives me a boost to be better and to remind myself that is's ALL about Jesus and praising Him with each day.

Corey is a big thinker, a big "imaginer" and is thoughtful in everything he does. he thinks ahead about special things and makes every event memorable. whether it were braves games, a fancy dinner in atlanta, fantasy in lights, or just a 'just because' date.. they're all so perfect and sweet.

sometimes it's so easy to get caught up in everyday life with work, school, routines and more routines but there is always that refreshing thought in the mornings that i can live another day with the man that the Lord has given to me for my life.. to be my best friend and my companion.

i pray to be the best girl/best friend/companion that i could ever be- to try and return the love that corey has shown me. he deserves every little bit of it!

so..if you're reading this, i am asking for your prayers in the journey that the Lord has put before corey and i.. we have a big calling on our lives- to save the lost and influence those around us with God's love. we never want to become mediocre and fit in the with the crowd. we know that the Lord has promised us good things and big things- we just have to follow in His will and be IN His will in order to see those things unfold.

this blog post is dedicated to love, happiness, fulfillment, joy and an everlasting friendship.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Fun questions!

1. Favorite hobby?
making lists & staying organized!

2. Favorite tv show?

3. Favorite restaurant food?
hmm, Los Amigos!

4. Favorite thing to shop for?
something i KNOW i have to have, i hate shopping without a goal in mind.

5. Favorite animal?
sweet pups.

6. Favorite song?
I do not only have one! I have so many! There's no way. Although, I just discovered Keaton Simons music & he totally rocks!

7. Favorite word?
dude. what its 2.

8. Recent favorite youtube video?

9. Favorite movie?
The Proposal.. lots more

10. Favorite childhood memory?
'Barney momma, barney!' ... growing up in my gmas gift store!

1. Where do you see yourself five years from now?
married! with a super awesome apartment or home.

2. What is your favorite food in the world?
southern home food & sushi. two extremes, i know!

3. If you have any pets what are their names?

4. What is your dream job?
To be a part of a world changing movement, as a worship leader. i want to experience the change that God has for His people.. all over the world.

5. Have you been in love?
YES. now more than ever, i am SO INCREDIBLY in love!

6. What do you do to protect the earth?
i need to do more.

7. Ten people you would invite to a dinner party in a forest with great music?
just 10? psh.

8. Tell me something nice you did for someone recently...
bought a card just because & leave surprise notes :)

9. What is one thing you do that is childlike?
dance in my room in front of my mirror and sing at the top of my lungs!

10. What is one of the most embarrassing moments of your life?
HA. oh gosh..

11. If you could take an all expenses paid trip anywhere in the world, where would it be?
an island, or europe!

12. What is your favorite thing to do to relax? read! and take looong bubble baths.

13. What is the most spontaneous thing you have ever done? i spent a month in taiwan, yet that was not too spontaneous.. but AWESOME. i bleached a strand of my hair.. never ever again!

14. What is your favorite genre of music?
i love chill and soothing good music!

15. What is your favorite movie of all time?
i cant answer that.

16. If you had a chance to meet anyone dead or alive who would it be?
i would like to spend more quality time with the grandparents that i have lost, and i cannot wait to meet my savior!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Thinking back on 2010..

I have wanted for so long to sit down and think back on this year, 2010. Finally, I have the chance to do just that. Honestly, where to start? It’s been such a big year in so many different ways. I have experienced things this year that will impact me for the rest of my life & my walk with the Lord.

First of all, I am just whole-heartedly thankful. Thankful for where I have been and what the Lord has brought me through. Thankful for all of the people that have loved me along the way. Thankful for the compassion, generosity and prayers of my friends and loved ones. Thankful that my Savior loves me even more and that through my weakness, HE is made strong. Thankful for safety, for a home, for family and a church that builds and challenges my faith. Thankful for faithful friends who love me. Thankful for all of the fun times and memories I have made. Thankful for the healing touch of my Jesus! And so much, much, much more!

Secondly, I can say that I have been so stretched this year- and only want more in 2011 and more years to come. I had the awesome opportunity to travel to Taiwan for 3.5 weeks this summer with a group of friends that I consider part of my spiritual family now. God taught me so much this summer about missions, about DEPENDING completely on His promises and his will. He taught me that I am nothing without His Holy Spirit. I can completely place all of my faith, trust and whole life into Him and I have nothing to worry about. I was able to testify in front of people around the world about my relationship with God and what He has done in my life. What a giant, huge, and undeserving blessing that was! It was definitely a once in a lifetime opportunity. I still have to kinda pinch myself today about it cause it doesn’t really seem all that realistic- I actually spent almost a month in another Asian, foreign country? Wow.. Thank you Jesus!

Before this amazing experience, I had a not so awesome experience. I had an emergency appendectomy 5 days before I was supposed to leave for my summer adventure. Thankfully, I made it out of here in about a week and a half! Thank you Lord for your healing and perfect will. HE ALWAYS MAKES A WAY!

I have found the one whom my soul loves this year. He has always been a close friend of mine since we could walk basically but the Lord has turned it into something so special this year. I know beyond the shadow of a doubt that God put us together to share in each other’s lives and he has great things for us in this next year and in years to come. I am thankful for all of the things that have brought me to him. He stuck by my side during my surgery, he was faithful to me while I left him for 5 weeks, he treats me like a princess he gives more than anyone has ever given to me, he has the BIGGEST and most loving and caring heart of anyone I know. He is my best friend, my soul mate and the one I can rely on, laugh with, and trust. His family is amazing too and I love them and thankful for each one of them! It has truly been a blast and I cannot wait for more fun times! :)

I know in my heart that 2011 is going to be a big year. God has some amazing plans for this year. I just feel it in my spirit, I have been for about 2 months now! I pray for a huge awakening, that a cry and hunger for the things of the Holy Spirit will come about from the weak AND the strong in the Lord. I pray that the lost, broken and wandering people of this world will find the hope, peace and love of our Heavenly Father this year! I also believe for increase and overflow of the Lord’s blessings. I know I don’t have to worry and neither does anyone else if we just place our LIVES, our DECISIONS, our WORDS, our ACTIONS, and EVERY MOVE we make in the Lord. He has promised to take care of us, now we just have to live in such a way to honor that.

I want to thank each of you for your love and support for me this past year. I hope in the years to come that I can return it back to you in more ways than you can imagine! Have a blessed New Year! Know that I love you & I am praying for you!

Happy New Year!


Thursday, October 14, 2010


it has been 10 months exactly since I last blogged. where in the world did all my time go? i think i find myself saying that more and more these days!

these past ten months have been more than .... wow ... i can't even think of a word!

- i have started dating the man who i am going to spend the rest of my life with
- i have been to Taiwan for 4 weeks and seen God move in some pretty awesome ways
- i have been away from my family and friends longer than EVER
- i realized how much i am thankful for the things i have here in my life
- i have been more terrified on a plane than i ever hope to be ever again
- i have left things behind and am moving into new places with the Lord
- i am going to have a brother-in-law
- my family has started a new business
- i am now at a technical school where i am getting my Medical Assisting diploma
- i have fallen in love with my life and my Jesus more deeply than i ever have before
- i have become a keyboarding instructor, too :)
just a small little update

these days, i need more hours. i need more time to do all the things that i need to do. yet, my God is so faithful and things always seem to work out. i cannot believe where i have been and the things in which i am about to embark upon. God has new a fresh waters for me and my loved ones to tread upon and i am so ready for it.

one thing that has been so so heavy on my heart is the ultimate, intimate, unending, passionate, fatherly, love of God. i have never felt so close. so needed. so cherished. so loved. i think upon all the things that the Lord has done for me, and i cant begin to thank him enough. but, he does these things because he loves me. because i love him and i serve him. he is a God of relentless love. there is no greater feeling than the loving arms of my father. nothing else in the world matters.

therefore, every word, moment, choice, prayer, thought, action is all the Lords. it was and has been his in the first place. yet, i long for more. more wisdom... wisdom of the Lord. i cannot and will not do these things on my own. only He can work through me.

i hurt, i cry, i feel ashamed when i do not give myself daily to the One i love the most. if i don't give my days to Him, what am I here for?

no matter where i am, what i'm doing, what's on my mind. God is faithful. I walk in His favor, his mercy.. i can't and will not worry..

so here's to a new start on my blog. thoughts from my heart, my days, my mind and crazy self!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

12 19 90, 2010.

Around this time of year my heart feels joy like never before. Christmas is such a happy season full of love, family, and Jesus. There is nothing else like it. I also celebrate my birthday around this time; guess one could call it a 'double wammy'. :) Or as my mother says.

I've always believed that turning 19 would be so BORING. Yes, I'm moving forward, but stuck in between teen and adult years. But why have I conceived such a shallow point of view about this age?
It's a new year, a new beginning. A new time to celebrate life, GOD, and all that he has to offer.

I'm here to serve. Here to love. Here to be. Here to share. Here to be free. Here to bring hope and here to be ME.

The new year is just around the corner as well. Can you believe it? A little over 2 weeks left in 2009. What an amazing year. Graduation, college, spiritual growth like never before, worship, giving, prayer, sowing and reaping. I could go on and on. God is so good! And He will be even more good and faithful in 2010. I'm believing for big things in '10 and I know God will bring them all into fruition. Thank you Jesus!

I guess I'm just challenging myself. To look past my own thoughts, my own hopes, and accomplishments- and look forward to the things God has in store, to the people I meet. To leave imprints on their lives and not let 2010 just be another year.

This 19th birthday and 2010 will be life changing. I'm ready for it Lord.

Bring it on!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

searching with a patient <3

to the man who i will someday call my companion and my best friend

i pray for you, i pray for us.
i ask God to supply
for in him i place my trust.

you're out there, out there waiting for me.
becoming the man that
i have always wanted you to be.

where are you, why aren't you here?
can't you see i'm ready to hold you so dear..

you will be the head and not the tail
the head of our home
the father of our children
you will never, ever stand alone

i thank god for you each day
and until the moment we find eachother
let nothing stand in our way